Jtd Narnor
7 min readJun 14, 2022

Every single day you wake up, there is a conscious effort to ensure you do not have peace of mind!

One must understand, above everything that the most important element in this world is your mind. The mind is the beginning and end of all things that matter in this life and the world. It is the determinant of whatever you feel, are, and will be.

For the mind to function fully and efficiently it needs above everything peace. That is, it must be in a state of assured rest and absence of anything that will disturb or agitate it.

Now this state of peace contrary to what a lot of people believe is not a difficult thing to achieve and have. Indeed, it is one of the simple and easy things to have in this world. The natural state of the mind is one of peace and tranquility.

This can be found in children.

What however happens is that in the process of growth and maturity many of us begin to lose the peaceful state of mind. And begin to develop consistently almost always an agitated state of mind, where there is little rest and peace.

What I want to share with you at this moment is that this state of mind where your mind hardly has peace and rest is not a natural normal thing in life. It is an artificial construct and a conscious act by external forces and individuals.

Because of the power of the mind and what things it can realize, achieve, dream of, and discover, and the fear of this mind should we all have peace of mind, there is a conscious effort to make sure that, you are never at rest. Nor do you have peace of mind.

The effort to keep your mind always worried comes in various ways and means. All of which I cannot here state. The few thought I can share with you include, the news you watch, read, and hear. This is the first place where our minds are constantly kept in a state of fear, stress, and agitation.

Over ninety percent of us hardly hear good news in the course of our day. Most of the news broadcasted on the general sources of news is almost always negative news.

Then again, another means through which our state of mind is constantly kept agitated is through the kinds of entertainment we feed on. From Social Media to almost most of what we call entertainment nowadays, we hardly have peace of mind. Most people come from an entertainment event more tired and stressed out than rested and revitalized.

The third thing that keeps our mind agitated and always in a stressed-out state is what we call “normal life needs”. Indeed, the real truth is that a lot of the demands of this world that stress us and keeps us awake at night or rushing from one place to the other is vanities and empty promises. What you need in this life you can easily have for free. Friends, food, and fresh air. Not to mention exercise and laughter. The majority of these things you need are free to have and the food you can, if you only pause long enough to think about it, grow yourself. If you are thinking this is impossible, then we can confidently say that you already have Ben brainwashed to stay in a constant state of stress and worry.

When the mind is at peace there is so much good it can do and good that can come out of it. Not just for the person, but also for his neighbours, his community, and the world itself. People at peace in their minds do not only just generate beautiful ideas and aura but also generally treat others and the world more lovingly and in a caring way.

They are not afraid, they are not worried about you, they are not in an unhealthy competition with anyone, they are not rushing to grab the whole basket for themselves, and indeed hardly in a haste to make a point. A peaceful mind is indeed a sweet, powerful, and revitalizing power.

But many of us do not have this. In almost everything we do in this world we do not have it. We do not have it in our marriages, or relationships. We do not have it in our families or at homes. We do not have it at work or in our pursuit of education. Indeed even when having fun or entertainment we still do not have peace of mind.

And so we never are at rest. We are always tired not just physically but sadly also mentally and emotionally.

The reason is simple we are looking for peace of mind in things and people. That is the mistake, we should be looking for peace of mind within ourselves and in God.

You have to remember and realize a fundamental truth. Your mind is in you. Not outside you, not in something, and not in anyone. Therefore if you need to have peace of mind, the job must be done inside and with solutions from inside.

The second truth you must realize is that, no matter how hard we try to fight and avoid it, we do not own ourselves. Each one of us did not decide to come to this earth. If life is an action then our lives are someone’s act. The simple acceptance of this truth is the second most important pathway to having peace of mind. What it does to the mind is, that it gives it an external anchor to place all mysteries and worries beyond itself. It is for that reason that you will realize that most a

It is for that reason that you will realize that most acts of meditation or the origins of acts to bring the body into a state of rest stem from what we will call more religious or spiritual foundations.

Now, having this assurance, that Life is not a haphazard act of some non-living accident but the loving act of a living and loving God automatically gives the mind a breath space of foundation to stand upon to hope for and expect the possibility of peace. What you can hope for, you can seek.

Knowing and accepting that there is or may be a meaning to this life automatically opens the mind up to the possibility of things getting better. With that mindset, the mind can now have its first level of rest, enough to move to the second act of looking for the peace it needs.

The above thought gives the mind the chance to pause and to be able to resist the onslaught of daily bad, negative and depressing news and information that is thrown at it to keep it in a state of agitation.

That breather space in the mind allows you to force the body to physically and mentally pause and rest. Yes, rest or pause long enough to take actions that will physically and mentally bring it to a state of rest and peace.

What we mean here is that, in the assumption or assurance that someone Big enough cares about you and is concerned about you, you can have enough courage to choose to rest, trust, relax, let go, and forgive.

So rather than wake up in a rush to go out there and try and make it all by yourself, you can take your time and do things knowing that all things will fall in place. You can refuse to kill for or grab it all, knowing that you do not need it all and can do with just enough to continue living. Indeed you just need enough to be happy.

Building on the above, you can rid your mind of fear, aggression, anxiousness, and all the things that will not keep the mind at peace. You can also easily refuse to follow the narrative or listen to the daily barrage of negative news. Yes, because you are operating on a different frequency about this life.

At this point you are slowing down in this life to now appreciate, see and enjoy the really important things in this world and life. The sunlight, the walk, the friends, the laughter, the family, etc. Because at this point where is the rush? You are not rushing to and fro, day and night just to find something to eat or look for the meaning of life on something or someone.

When your mind is finally in this state, then you can actually breathe well and eat well and finally find peace in your mind.

The world and everything in it is working hard to make sure you are rushing and never getting the chance to pause, rest, and ask yourself what are all these empty things I am chasing for?

And when you are finally at peace in your mind, you will be amazed at the beauty of this world and how many amazing things and ideas you can come up with.

But the choice to have your peace of mind is up to you. It is not up to anyone and no one owes you your peace. You owe yourself your peace. It is your mind you choose what you will do with it.

You can choose to believe or not believe. — He will give him perfect peace, whose mind is stayed upon the Lord.

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